Friday, July 20, 2012

Seven Was Sweet

Photo Book Tip: Create an adventurous travel photo album at

Friday, September 30, 2011

Second Grader

Your official Second Grade Portrait. (And I think this is the second year running that Aunt Lois has sponsored your picture outfit!)

Don't worry, Grandmas... your prints are coming soon.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stationery card

Lovely Wreath Christmas Card
Personalize your Christmas card at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Stationery card

Lovely Wreath Christmas Card
Click here to browse Shutterfly Christmas card designs.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How I Knew You Were a Big Girl

Part One of many, I'm sure...

After Daddy dropped you off at school today, he called me. He said you weren't feeling well... Complaining that your tummy hurt. You didn't eat much, if any, breakfast. With Daddy headed out of town for the day, he wanted to let me know that I might get a call from the nurse.

The day passed without incident. (Or so I thought...)

When I picked you up from school, The conversation went like this:

Mommy: "So, how was your day?"

Molly: "Well... Remember when I said I didn't feel well? Well, I threw up at school. But I asked Mrs. H. if I could go to the bathroom because I didn't feel good. And I threw up. Then she sent me to the nurse when I told her what happened. And then Nurse D. gave me fruit snacks and I felt better."

You weren't upset... You weren't freaked out. You were surprisingly calm about the whole thing. And you didn't use puking at school as an excuse to have the nurse
call your mom with the international "get out of school free" card - vomiting.

As you told me the whole story over a muffin at Panera, you seemed (and looked) so grown up to me. And I was so proud of how you handled yourself. I know this won't be the last time that I'm amazed at how you've grown and matured right before my eyes... and it definitely won't be the last time I'm so very proud of you.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Best Mistake

My dearest Molly,

Once upon a time... back when you were no more than two... You were having a rough night - not feeling well and having a hard time falling asleep. I tried to calm you down and comfort you several different ways when you finally asked if we could rock for a bit.

And that's when I said it - "Molly, I will ALWAYS rock with you."

As soon as it came out of my mouth, you smiled and snuggled in close... Kind of a devious "oooooooh, I was hoping you'd say that" kind of smile. The kind of smile that made me think, "Wow, that's going to haunt me later."

And it has. Any time you're stalling for bed (which, when you were four, was most nights), you'll pull out the "Mommy, can we rock for a minute?" And I'd always oblige. (One time, I did try to get out of it by telling you it was past your bedtime. Your reply? "But Mommy, you said you'd always rock with me." of course...)

So cut to today: I got a call from your wonderful teacher as soon as school was out. She said you weren't feeling well and you'd been to see the nurse twice. She wanted to let me know in case we could pick you up early from after-care. Daddy went to get you right away and you came home, laid on the couch, and watched tv.

Then I got home. You crawled into my lap and we snuggled... And you fell asleep for more than an hour. And after bath and story time, we put you to bed... and a half-hour later you called for me and said those magic words. So we curled up in the same rocking chair we cuddled in together when we first brought you home and we rocked... And you finally fell asleep.

My dearest Molly - I will ALWAYS rock with you.


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Friday, April 1, 2011

Goodbye, Mr. Wigglesworth

My dearest Molly,

It finally happened tonight... After more than four months of waiting (starting before Thanksgiving) your bottom front tooth fell out.

This tooth has been loose so long that we named it - Mr. Wigglesworth. For months, I thought that one good sneeze would send it flying across the room, it was so loose. But you wouldn't wiggle it AT ALL. In fact, I threatened to take you to Dr. Mark and he would CERTAINLY pull it out. And we went and saw Dr. Mark... And he did NOT pull it put. (Note to Mommy for future reference: have a private conversation with Dr. Mark in advance about Mommy's expectations.)

So we were at Culver's tonight having dinner. You bumped it on your straw... And *plop!* out it came. That was it.

You called Papa and Grandma to share your big news. Best of all, Uncle Paul was at Grandma and Grandpa's tonight, so we Face Timed with them and got to show them your big news.

Another baby tooth bites the dust. But I love your snaggly, Jack-O-Lantern smile!

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